Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is it about singing?

Each week I conduct and rehearse 3 choirs in W.A. The sound of human voices is absolutely incredible when it comes together to create harmony. here's some info from my friend Dr. Andrew Kirke. General Practitioner Kalgoorlie WA and Choir Director, Two Up Two Down Community Choir

To anyone who has sung in a choir this might seem a silly question. Every singer knows of the post-singing high you get after a good rehearsal or performance and then there’s all that fresh air and breathing. How can it not be healthy? On the other hand some of the health problems of our professional singing stars today would suggest perhaps singing is a dangerous occupation.
Defining health is a challenge in itself. Do we mean the way we feel about ourselves or are there some measurable outcomes that might be attributable to singing?

People feel better after singing Numerous psychological studies support the anecdotal evidence that people feel better after a session of singing. There are significant measurable changes in
mood after a singing session. Listening to music can have the same effect but participating in singing increases the boost to your mood. In choirs targeting disadvantaged people, there have been measurable effects in improving self esteem as well.

More to come...

People feel better after singing
Numerous psychological studies support the anecdotal evidence that people feel better after a session of singing. There are significant measurable changes in mood after a singing session. Listening to music can have the same effect but participating in singing increases the boost to your mood. In choirs targeting disadvantaged people there have been measurable effects in improving self esteem as well.

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